Digital signage Solution for Government Agencies
Digital Signage Network is the solution of choice to keep the general public informed is fully US Homeland Security compliant to sustain any existing security scenario enabling to immediately trigger alerts and evacuation guidance. Such instant override can be generated by various forms of interaction such as remote control or interfacing with e.g. alarm systems. Local City Government usage:
M2K offers customized networked digital signage turn-key solution to Local Governments and their agencies to manage their day to day announcement to the public and inform the citizens about the new events, meetings, Building and Zoning policy changes. We can offer custom outdoor digital signage touch screen KIOSK for public information such as Down town Maps and shopping location, city attractions, visitor’s information etc… City Hall Announcements: Digital signage LCD Message boards can display City Hall public announcements to the Citizens, Building and Zoning information, Events, assistance, new businesses in town, public activities etc… Police Department: Every police department keeps a bulletin board full of information with wanted law breakers and public safety information. M2K Digital signage, replace this bulletin boards with 42” LCD panels and update the information on a daily or hourly basis. This can improve the public awareness in addition to the cost and creation of all the printed materials. 911 and Emergency Operations: M2K Digital signage solution can bring several screens into one big screen for the call center operations. We can also, arrange multiple screens to fill the whole wall space or bigger panoramic view. This can minimize the use of LCD or projection screens in the 911 or call center operations. Public outdoor Information Displays: M2K can customize outdoor temperature controlled LCD displays for public information for High way rest areas, city public information in down town area and shopping malls, displaying the travel information, events, maps, directories and other attractions in that area. This is also a good revenue generating source by displaying advertisement of businesses in that area. The cost of operations can be recouped from the advertisement income. We can dedicate a small portion of the screen with live news and weather related information depends upon the location and type of information.
Library Solution: Digital signage welcomes visitors and helps create a sophisticated and elegant atmosphere throughout the library. The library staff sees the system as a beneficial innovation because it is compatible with their meeting management system and because the signage displays relevant information for the patron, thus helping to reduce the number of times visitors seek assistance. This helps free up library staff to focus on other tasks, while ultimately providing a more pleasant experience to visitors. |