• 1x4 Video Wall for Bank and Credit union
    1x4 Video Wall for Bank and Credit union
  • 1x4 Video Wall for chain retail network
    1x4 Video Wall for chain retail network
Media 2000 Systems
Develop, Design and Distribute Digital Contents

Hundreds and thousands of people use airports, train stations each day and there is lot of posters and ads promoting various commercial goods to these people. Well, how much do you spend on creating and positing all those spaces? Digital signage would help to cut the cost to create and post these information at the numerous and separate locations and making it simple. Not only about increased value ads but these displays could also contribute to inform the customers with up-to-date accurate information about trains and flights keeping them safe and under control. Additionally, if you link your digital signage with a GPS, bus stops will be showing locations of the buses coming along with their time tables or route maps.


  • Arrival and Departure information boards
  • Time Tables
  • Emergency Information
  • Advertisement (consumer goods, travels)
  • Restaurant/Shop promotions
  • Facility and Floor Map and directory